Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why I Went From Figure to Bikini

          Last night I drove to Spokane to meet my Save Fitness coach, Tanji Johnson. She is an incredible woman and very inspirational. She's very personable and down to earth who gives honest advice and instruction. I couldn't ask for a better coach.  I met with her first privately to assess my body and then I joined the other 5 SF girls for an 1.30hr of posing and walking.

           After meeting with Tanji and getting her honest and professional advice I have decided to compete in Bikini instead of figure.  This decision was made because  of my body type.  I have small shoulder caps and a very narrow waist (which isn't a bad thing for Bikini).  Because I cannot fight my Italian and French genetics putting on big muscles might not be in my DNA.  So there is this new division called "Bikini."

          At first I wasn't very thrilled but the more I researched it the more I became excited.  It is more of a "modeling" division which is the direction I really want to go in. The suits are really cute too.  I train my butt off in the gym and I am naturally very strong and get stronger when I train  but my body frame just isn't broad enough to support the muscle mass that is needed for figure.  I do not need to be as lean for Bikini either, actually its normally between 10-15% and I am already around 15% and 8 weeks out.  Actually, Tanji said that she does not want to see me less than 12-13% when I see her next month.

          As of right now it does not hurt to continue to train heavy (yes!) and focus on building a little bit more in my shoulders and quads.  She wants me to keep my current nutrition plan and not focus on cutting.

          Tanji put things into perspective for me last night.  If I want to compete in figure this season, cool.  But why am I competing?  Am I really just competing for the experience?  If so, then I can stick with figure and improve as I develop my physique over the next few years.  The truth is that I am competitive and I want to win.  I want to have an edge and a chance. She said that if I am competitive then I will do amazing in Bikini!  As the night went on  and I practiced posing for Bikini instead of Figure, she became more and more convinced that Bikini was calling my name.  I have to embrace what I do have and roll with it. Sweet! So live it up and flaunt my strengths and work on improving my weaker points along the way so that they can also one day be a strength.  She does think that I should compete this season beginning in April in Bikini and that if  I want to I can use Bikini as as stepping stone towards figure for the fall.  Let's start with one step at a time and see what happens.  I emailed her today to help me with my new game plan for Bikini. I will fill you in soon.

I will also post more information on the Bikini Division and what the judges are looking for.



My Bikini story:

"Strategies For First Bikini Competition"

"Transformation Chart For My First Bikini Competition"

"How Competing in Bikini Improved My Life"

Interested in more info about competing in Bikini? My Bikini Competitor newsletter is designed to help you develop that lean, sexy bikini body. Plus, as an extra bonus, you 'll also get a FREE Bikini Competition Starter Kit it now!
Interesting Image

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