Thursday, January 27, 2011

First Bikini Competition Prep Update

         Okay, so last Saturday I was down to 16.46% Body fat. I checked in yesterday to make sure that I was not burning muscle because I decreased my carb intake for dinner by half and I am down to 15.63%!  I have put on lean muscle and burned only fat, yippee!

          I tried increasing my protein because a week ago or so my measurements read that I was burning muscle, but I think I was just over training with too many intense cardio sessions.  I backed off a little bit and that seemed to help. Now I am back to eating my regular intake of protein.

          Alright, so I am officially doing a competition! My 5" stiletto's came in today and they are actually quite comfortable. To be honest, I LOVE them!  Remember that team I was talking about joining with Tanji Johnson? Well, I did it. I signed up and am now officially a teammate for Save Fitness. She co-sponsors a national qualifier competition in Vancouver, WA on April 2 and... wants me to compete. That's like 3 weeks earlier than I have planned for.  The Spokane competition isn't till April 23rd and its not a national qualifier. So I have to step up my training and eating because I only have 8 weeks before the big show. And its a big show! I meet Tanji this weekend at the pose clinic in Spokane. She will let me know if my physique will be ready for the 2nd or not. I am shooting high, and that I am going to go for it. I will of course blog about my experience at the clinic. (afterward Danny and I are eating at PF CHANG's, my favorite).

          Posing is going to be the most challenging portion. I feel confident in my training program and nutrition, but posing is a whole other story. Right now it feels really awkward. I have heard that you should start practicing posing 3x week 8 weeks out, so if that's right then I better start.

          I have noticed an increase in strength. For example, I can now do 3 pull-ups with perfect form with no problem. I am now working for 5. I have been following Pavels "Grease the Groov" protocol for the pull-ups by doing a pull-up every time I walk by the pull-up bar (about 6-8 per day). Now I will do 2 pull-ups every time I walk by.  My body has really started to change as well. I can see a difference in my upper body and abs. I cannot wait to see what my body will look like even a week from now.



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