Monday, January 21, 2013

Beauty From the Inside Out

 Beauty From the Inside Out

Part I- Whole Foods

By Abby Clark, PN-1, SFG, RYT, RKC, CPT

  I have decided to make a 3 part series covering a topic that is very important to me: Beauty.  Honestly, it’s one of the main reasons I got into health and fitness.  Part 1 is a breakdown of the essential “beauty foods” that contain key micronutrients that we can take in daily.  These whole foods not only aid in healthy digestion, a flat stomach, and a lean physique but will also clear up your skin.  The next section will be about effective “beauty supplements” and in the final section I will discuss inexpensive and easy skin care routines for hair, body, and face.

  So, let’s get started.  One of the biggest reasons why I started eating more fruits and vegetables was because I wanted to have healthy, radiant skin that looked youthful and glowed year round.  Previously, I had spent tons of money on expensive beauty products and had facials probably once per month.   I would spend endless hours and loads of money on fashion and beauty magazines searching for the answers from the latest trends on skin care.   My quest for the Holy Grail of perfect skin was just as frustrating as my quest to lose weight.  With so much information out there and “professionals” who claim to have the answers that it’s no surprise to me why every single woman out there has a closet full of beauty products and continue to shop for more.

  Just like years of trial and tribulation of figuring out how to eat right for my body and composition goals, I spent years searching for the fountain of youth for flawless skin.   When I started to eat more unprocessed foods, less processed foods, and more fruits and vegetables I began to see change in the way my skin appeared and felt. I had stumbled upon the Holy Grail for the perfect skin and it was in my kitchen all along!  Yes, eating lots of vegetables and fruits will not only help maintain a healthy composition, and an optimal functioning body, but it also nourishes the skin with tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.   That’s right, what you put into your body directly effects the tone, complexion, and elasticity of your skin.  

   One of the best ways to get the most out of vegetables and fruit is from juicing.  I have noticed that when I drink 1 glass of veggie juice per day my skin appears to be more clear and radiant.  This is also noticeable when I drink my favorite fruit/protein shake in the morning.  I will give away my recipes for my favorite detox juice (“Little Red Riding Hood”) and fruit/protein blend (“Pebble’s Smoothie”) later but first let’s discuss what exactly is in organic, whole foods that make us healthy on the inside and beautiful on the outside.

   If you are eating a typical “western diet” then most likely you are missing out on some serious micronutrients that are found in unprocessed, natural foods like vegetables and fruit.  Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals.  They are only needed in a small amount (hence micro) but play a BIG role in many metabolic and physiological processes in the body.  If you eat very few foods that contain these essential little guys then you may be deficient in certain micronutrients which will only lead to a sub optimal functioning body.  Therefore, age is not the villain; the western diet is the true guilty culprit.

   Vitamins…you probably started taking them when you were a kid while getting ready for school.  If your parents were like mine and you grew up in the late 80s’ and 90s’ you probably had to make the toughest decision every morning: should I take the purple, red, or orange Flintstones chewable multivitamin?   I always picked the purple Pebbles vitamin.   Now a days I just swallow a flavorless boring multi every morning with my other supplements.  A multi vitamin is basically insurance for your health.  Its purpose is to make sure you are getting the essential vitamins to make up for a diet comprised mostly of processed foods and few whole foods that naturally contain these vitamins.  However, even though it may be a good place to start and a good habit to keep, a pill should not SUBSTITUTE foods that include a variety of whole foods like veggies and fruits.   How does this affect your skin?  Well, did you know that your skin is the biggest organ in the body?  And your body absorbs the nutrients digested from the inside out. So even though it may be the biggest organ it is the last reservoir for absorbable nutrients. Therefore, you need a lot more than just 1 multi-vitamin and a greasy, processed diet to have clear, healthy, and may I say… sexy skin.   That is also why it is so important to drink a ton of water.  Hydration is pivotal for healthy skin.  Water helps to move vitamins like B and C through the body.

   Minerals (they come in micro and macro form) are important because they support our body structures from teeth to bones and our cells and enzymes.   Minerals help to balance out our electrolytes. You probably heard athletes, coaches, trainers, or gym goers talk about replenishing their electrolytes after an intense workout.  Electrolytes regulate the constant flow moving in and out of our cells and helps keep our fluid balanced, generates nerve impulse, and muscle contraction.  If you are dehydrated you have an imbalance of water vs. sodium in the body.  This is why you experience dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, etc when severely dehydrated.  Without minerals our electrolytes would be out of order and therefore we would have an imbalanced fluid establishment.  Minerals+ Electrolytes+ water= healthy functioning body= better skin.

  Another key chemical found in plants is phytochemicals. They are not considered a nutrient they do not offer any nutritional benefits or energy. However research supports that a healthy intake of phytochemicals can actually aid in the prevention of disease.   Garlic, for example, contains something called allicin.  Allicin is a phytochemical and has anti-bacterial and anti-viral abilities. That is why many health food stores recommend garlic as a natural preventive for common bugs going around.

   Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals are all found in natural, organic unprocessed fruits and vegetables.  They are important for your health and well being.  They are also directly linked to the current condition of your skin.

   If you have acne I highly recommend reading Ryan Andrews’s article.  He heavily discusses causes of acne from the inside out and wonderful nutrition advice that I would just be repeating. Read for yourself.

  All whole foods are excellent food choices.  Avoid sugar, alcohol, processed foods, overly salty foods, caffeine,  fried food, fast food, and avoid dairy and gluten if you are intolerant to them or notice that when you do eat dairy and/or gluten that you experience outbreaks, inflammation, itching, redness, etc.

Top 10 Habits For better skin:

1)      Eat tons of veggies and fruit

2)      Drink plenty of water and replenish electrolytes during and after intense training

3)      Lower your caffeine intake (try to just use it pre-workout if needed)

4)      Wash your face after exercise and always before bed

5)      Drink your veggies and fruit with fresh homemade juice

6)      Avoid processed foods, sugar, alcohol, overly salty foods, fried food, fast food and when necessary dairy and gluten

7)      Get more of your starchy carbs from fruit ( all berries, pineapple, acai berries or puree, grapes, oranges, bananas, etc)  instead of processed carbs like crackers, chips, pastas, and bread

8)      Eat 1-2 cups of veggies with every meal (lots of dark greens, purple, and other colorful veggies like red peppers)

9)      Eat healthy Omega-3 Rich fatty Acid foods daily like fish oil, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, avocado, salmon, ghee, etc

10)   Exercise and sweat!!!


My favorite Detox Veggie Juice: Little Red Riding Hood

1 Cup of Detox Juice:

1 apple (I use 1 red Gala organic apple with the skin on) 

2 Carrots

1 slice of lemon with peel

1 inch cucumber (about ¼ cup sliced)

¼ piece of celery

1 inch of broccoli

1 inch of beet root

Throw it all into the juicer and then pour and drink immediately. 

I may not take my purple Pebbles’ vitamin every day but I do drink my purple smoothie!!!
Pebble's Smoothie:

¼ banana (about 7.5 grams of carbs)

¼ cup of berries (about 5 grams of carbs)

Optional (1/2 a serving of acai unsweetened Amazon Puree you can get at Whole foods in frozen section) (about 2 grams of carbs in ½ packet)

1 cup of water

1 ½ scoops of Sun Warrior Protein (vegan blend) or 1 Scoop of whey (about 28grams of protein)

1-2 oz Aloe Vera

1 tsp Cocoa powder with Maca Root

1 tsp chia seeds

I tbsp flax oil or fish oil in the morning only; not if this smoothie is taken post workout (about 14 grams of fat)

¼ cup of kale

Blend all together with some ice if you want and then pour and drink.  It will be a thick but heavenly!

 *I normally eat about 15 grams of additional fruit with this after a workout like 6 strawberries or ½ banana or 1 orange.

  I will post part II soon so look out for it.  Part II will cover additional supplements that you can take that you can also include in your daily beauty routine.

  Remember, we are all beautiful women and we each struggle with our own insecurities and flaws.  We often allow our insecurities and flaws to control our thoughts and self-image.  I want to remind you that we are not our insecurities or our flaws! They do not define who we are as women.    By prioritizing your health and paying attention to what you put into your body you will directly impact the way you see yourself, the way you feel, and the way you treat others.   You are worth good health and a lifestyle that not only nourishes your body but also your mind and how you feel.  When you do something good whether it is for someone else or for yourself you always feel good. What’s wrong with wanting to have that feeling every day?  Absolutely nothing!  So put less energy into what you can’t do, haven’t done, wish you had, wish you looked like, or fear  and put that energy into taking care of yourself.  You’ll be surprised how many of those insecurities, fears, and self forged flaws will fade and strength, beauty, and love will unfold….your skin will glow!

  Love to all my sisters in health and fitness,



  1. Loved this post, Abby! Can't wait for the rest of the series!!

  2. Thank you very much Stephanie. I am currently working on part two of the series. It should be out tomorrow afternoon! I appreciate all feedback and suggestions!!!
