Thursday, April 25, 2013


 Many women ask me what inspired me to compete in Bikini.  Well, its a simple question but a complex answer.

  When I became a personal trainer in 2006 I worked at Gold's Gym.  I saw so many beautiful and fit women it was insane.  A few women that I completely admired were training for Figure.  I wanted their bodies, their determination, and their commitment. At that time in my life I did not believe in myself enough to even entertain the idea that I could do what they were achieving right before my eyes.

  After a few years of just dreaming about competing in Figure I decided to turn my dream into reality.  In 2010 while running a small gym in Idaho I started my first prep for a Figure competition.  Danny helped me out with nutrition and we started lifting lots of heavy weights!!!

  I had never eaten so "clean" or trained so hard in my life before.  There were so many times that I wanted to throw in the towel and pick up a cupcake or two.  But you want to know what (or should I say who) kept me going?

 Erin Stern.

  Erin Stern, at that time, was the Figure Olympia Champion and to this day has a Greek goddess and bad ass combination physique to die for.  I was not inspired by her physique alone.  I actually watched her workout videos on YouTube before each workout session and followed her Facebook page.

  It was her philosophy and attitude in her training that inspired me.  Erin is a track athlete and therefore her training includes many athletic movements that you don't see most figure girls interweave into their training.  Many figure girls follow more of a bodybuilder protocol.  Erin starts her workouts with barbell Olympic lifts and also flips tires, sprints, and pushes prowlers.  She did not wake up with this fabulous body...she sweat, cried, and trained her ass off to get to where she is today.   That is true grit and totally inspirational! 

 Erin Stern also does her own coaching.  That in itself is inspiring.  Not having a coach can make it that much easier to say, "EFF this, I quit!"  Erin has not won every show she competed in but yet she comes back every time with the same attitude.  When you watch videos you can tell that she is happy and loves her life.  You can tell that she is healthy and optimistic about life.

  When I had a hard time finishing a set I simply got in "Stern mode" (as opposed to beast mode) and knocked out the last few reps with nothing holding me back.

  You may be wondering at this point, "Figure?  I thought Abby does bikini?"  Yes, I did compete in Bikini; not Figure.  This was under the recommendation of Coach Tanji Johnson.  My muscles at the time needed a lot of growth and I would not have been competitive in figure that season. So I did one show in Bikini with the intent to work towards Figure but I fell in love with the Bikini division.  Even though Erin is not a Bikini competitor she is still my inspiration and always will be.

  Inspiration is not about looking like someone else.  It should be about seeing something in someone that draws out that inner motivation to be the best version of yourself and to continue to work towards something no matter how hard it may be.  For me that person was Erin.  With consistency anything is possible.  I never believed in myself and never thought I could compete in a show.  And I did, 4 actually! I even won!  The impossible is only impossible because it hasn't been achieved yet.  You can do it! 

Who inspires you to be a better version of yourself?



Want to read more?  Be sure to check out...

"Why I am NOT a Bombshell...I am ME!"

"How Competing in Bikini Improved My Life"

"Top 3 Glute Exercises For a Stellar Bikini Booty"

Interested in more into about competing in Bikini? My Bikini Competitor newsletter is designed to help you develop that lean, sexy bikini body. Plus, as an extra bonus, you 'll also get a FREE Bikini Competition Starter Kit it now!
Interesting Image


  1. This article is well written and very inspirational. I think of so many woman that inspire me to be healthier within my family and now I can look to you and your inspiration, Erin, as well.

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Aww :) Thank you so much Brittny. Your words mean so much to me. It is so true, we all need someone (sometimes more than one person) to inspire you to find your own inner strength to do something great that you never thought you could do otherwise! XOXO Thanks for following and your support!

  3. I love your blog Abby! This is indeed well written. I love the term "Stern MODE", ain't it true! I got to work the MFHERs/FLEX booth at the Olympia with her and this may sound weird but I think you'll get the idea: sitting next to that physique and seeing how she looked as she moved through regular everyday things like picking up her backpack was inspiring. She truly IS an amazing athlete, complete with the physique to match, and she can't ever not be. She looks amazing doing anything!

    Well done Erin. Great article Abby xoxo

  4. I just stumbled upon your blog the other day and it's already my go to site for motivation as I train for my first bikini competition! I have so much respect for you and your healthy philosophy. I knew right away when I saw that you are PN certified I could trust you for delivering research based training and nutrition info. And the fact that you give away your free bikini comp. guide...amazing! Thank you so much.

  5. Erin Stern was my motivation for my first figure competition as well! Thanks for such a well written and honest article!
