Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Beauty From the Inside Out Part III (video included)

          After reading Part I and Part II of my Beauty From the Inside Out series you are hopefully familiar with foods and supplements that you can eat that will improve the overall appearance of your skin.  In Part III I am going to share with some great inexpensive and eco-friendly skin care routines and products that I use and hopefully you will too.

          When you look in your bathroom you will most likely find a collection of moisturizers, facial cleaners, toners, shampoo, conditioner, facial scrub, body scrub, deodorant, eye make-up remover, tooth paste, mouth wash, make –up, hair styling products, shaving cream, and the list goes on.  We all want to keep up with our personal hygiene, and smell, look, and feel clean.  We often to tend to be proud of our collection of beauty and skin care products but what you may not know is that in nearly all of those products most companies add chemicals that aren’t on the labels, approved, or regulated.  With the enormous amount of chemicals being made it is very hard to regulate every single one, therefore, there is little research on these chemicals and it is unclear how they play a role in our bodies.   We also cause more harm to the environment by buying products with synthetic additives.  Use the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Database for a list of ingredients on products.  Educate yourself in safer products. 

          If you take a little bit more time and research eco-friendly personal hygiene alternatives you will not only help out our planet and environment but also your wallet.  Many products you buy claim to use oils like coconut, almond, olive oil, etc. in their concoctions.  However, they are not the only ingredient and sometimes not the first or “active” ingredient listed on the label (the ingredients listed on labels are listed by amount quantity ; largest to smallest).  It is very common to pay for additional ingredients in the product that isn’t even necessary. Keep your routine simple and remember less is more.
        I have come across a few items that are eco-friendly and effective.   Below is a list of products that I personally use and would recommend to my grandmother, daughter (in the future anyway), friend, client, mom, etc.  They do the job, are affordable, and are safe for both my body and the environment.
1)   Crystal Essence Mineral Deodorant Roll-On. I like the Chamomile & Green Tea Scent. This deodorant is paraben free, hypoallergenic, and all the active ingredients are safe.  The scent is from added essential oils.  Try to avoid products that just says, “fragrance” or “perfume”. They are very general and often means more than one chemical was added to give scent.  It is around $4.00 compared to the leading “Dove” brand that is the same price.

2)   Organic Coconut Oil- I LOVE coconut oil.  I use it as a daily body moisturizer, lip balm, night hair treatment, and  a nighttime facial moisturizer.  The smell is great! I get the Trader Joe kind and it is around $6-7 plus you can cook with it! Most body moisturizers are around the same price but you are limited in its uses.

3)   Glycerin Soaps or handmade soaps without sulfates or other chemicals.  I am currently using a local company from Maryland, Biggs & Featherbelle health conscious body care’s Koala face & body bare.  It has tea tree, eucalyptus, and mint. It smells very clean! Whole Foods has good a selection of local and mass produced glycerin and handmade soaps.

4)   MyChelles’ Fruit Fiesta Peel.  This is a great mask to do monthly.  It has active enzymes from fruit that will help balance your complexion.  This is a bit on the pricey side but it will last a long time. I think it was like $25 if I remember.

5)   Aveeno Positively Smooth Shave Gel.

6)   Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Avocado & Lemon Oil- They are both excellent natural body moisturizers.  My mom actually taught me to use olive oil on my feet to help treat cracked heels or dryness.  Just like Coconut Oil you can use it in the kitchen too.  I use them both for make-up remover as well.

7)   Essential Oils- Essential Oils are the way to go if you want fragrance. You can add them to your body moisturizers and even liquid soaps. I also use them alone to help relax like lavender or to wake up like eucalyptus.  I even read that you could make your own tooth paste with baking soda and mint essential oil.  I am going to try that next. 

8)   Apple Cider Vinegar- I have not done this in awhile because I have colored my hair. However, you can use apple cider vinegar as shampoo.  It will detangle and get all the build up from sweat and hair product out.  It will also leave your hair shiny.  I currently use a daily shampoo and conditioner that protects colored hair.   Tea Tree Oil and Jojoba Oil are other great options to cleanse hair, shine hair, and get rid of crud.

9)   Out of Africa Shea Butter. I like to use Shea butter as a body moisturizer as well as coconut oil. It is loaded with antioxidants and helps to prevent aging.  It is great for stretch marks J

  Additional tips for hair growth and thickness:  Avoid blow drying hair as much as possible, rinse your conditioner with cold water (it closes the cuticle),  take biotin, folic acid, and eat lots of fruit and veggies.  Once to every 2 weeks do a nightly treatment with coconut oil.  Leave it on while you sleep and rinse it off when you wake up. 
  In addition to my list of highly recommend alternatives to expensive manufactured products I have added a very special video.  In the video I cover two different ways to clean your face using all eco-friendly products that are affordable and effective.

Enjoy the organic Lemon Facial Cleanser and the Brown Sugar Facial Scrub!!!

**I use the lemon facial cleanser daily and the scrub 1-2 per week. 

You will need for the lemon facial cleanser:

1 lemon- not lemon juice

1 tbsp organic plain yogurt

1 tsp honey

1 bowl

Warm, moist towel

Dry towel

What you will need for the brown sugar scrub:

Brown sugar or baker’s sugar (if you have sensitive skin)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Moist Towel

Dark Dry towel

And for the moisturizer I recommend applying coconut oil as the finisher.

As an extra bonus I will conclude with an excellent sugar scrub for the entire body.

½ cup of brown sugar or regular sugar

¼ fine sea salt (optional)

¼ olive oil- you can also add a small  amount of grape seed oil.

1 tsp honey

1 tsp Vitamin E
            2-4 drops of your favorite essential oils.

  Mix all of the ingredients together until you reach a consistency that you like. Apply liberally on the body in a circular motion working up the body. Hit the feet, legs, knees, and elbows well and be gentle on the belly and avoid the face.

  I recommend doing a weekly body scrub to help get rid of dead skin cells and to have sexy, smooth skin that shines!  Exfoliation also helps with ingrown hairs and reduces the frequency of the need to shave.  Shave before you exfoliate.  

  Beauty is all about how you feel about yourself. When you take care of yourself by eating real food and nourishing yourself with eco-friendly skin care products you will automatically feel more confident and that self confidence will help you take on your day! You will stand out for more reasons than one :)



Learn more:

"The Skinny on Fat"

"Food Made Simple"

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